
I was looking at the Infinispan OpenShift template repo [1], and I started 
questioning why this repo contains Infinispan configurations for the cloud [2]. 
Shouldn't these be part of the Infinispan Server distribution? Otherwise this 
repo is going to somehow versioned depending on the Infinispan version...

Which lead me to think, should repo [1] exist at all? Why aren't all its 
contents part of infinispan/infinispan? The only reason that I could think for 
keeping a different repo is maybe if you want to version it according to 
different OpenShift versions, but that could easily be achieved in 
infinispan/infinispan with different folders.


[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan-openshift-templates
Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat

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