27 CQs could be responsible for high RAM usage if they are complex or
frequent queries. What is the output from `SHOW CONTINUOUS QUERIES`?

With 1.0 GA released, I encourage you to upgrade. That might address some
RAM issues.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Rafit Izhak Ratzin <
rafit.izhak.rat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> The current verified number of series is : 41712
> 27 CQ,
> I am using enableBatch:
> influxClient.enableBatch(10000, 3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
> at least 8192 calls of:
> batch_points.point(metric_point);
> before calling write:
> influxClient.write(batch_points);
> Please let me know if you have more questions (more stats are available in
> the end of this email),
> I appreciate your help,
> Thank you!
> --Rafit
> some more stats:
> select * from runtime where time > now() - 10s
> name: runtime
> -------------
> time                    Alloc           Frees           HeapAlloc
> HeapIdle        HeapInUse       HeapObjects     HeapReleased
> HeapSys         Lookups Mallocs               NumGC   NumGoroutine
> PauseTotalNs    Sys             TotalAlloc      clusterID
> hostname                        nodeID
> 1473312983000000000     153833696       345337583       153833696
> 29990912        204431360       2751982         0
> 234422272       491     348089565     246     134
> 122381212       248941072       15169333136     2765793636717751283
> ??????.?????????????.???       0
> select * from "database" where time > now() - 10s
> name: database
> --------------
> time                    clusterID               database
> hostname                        nodeID  numMeasurements numSeries
> 1473313073000000000     2765793636717751283     _internal
> ??????.????????????.???       0       11              131
> 1473313073000000000     2765793636717751283     analytics
> ??????.????????????.???       0       25              41581
> select * from "shard" where time > now() - 10s
> name: shard
> -----------
> time                    clusterID               database        engine
> fieldsCreate    hostname                        id      nodeID
> path                         retentionPolicy  seriesCreate
> writePointsOk   writeReq
> 1473313223000000000     2765793636717751283     _internal       tsm1
> 0               ??????.????????????.???         31      0
> /var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/31
> monitor                         9391            122
> select * from "write" where time > now() - 10s
> name: write
> -----------
> time                    clusterID
> hostname                        nodeID  pointReq        pointReqLocal
> req     subWriteDrop    subWriteOk      writeOk
> 1473313293000000000     2765793636717751283
> ??????.????????????.???         0       9930            9930
> 129                     129             129
> show stats
> name: cq
> --------
> queryOk
> 36342
> name: database
> tags: database=_internal
> numMeasurements numSeries
> --------------- ---------
> 11              131
> name: database
> tags: database=analytics
> numMeasurements numSeries
> --------------- ---------
> 25              41581
> name: httpd
> tags: bind=:8086
> pingReq queryReq        queryReqDurationNs      queryRespBytes  req
> reqActive       reqDurationNs
> ------- --------        ------------------      --------------  ---
> ---------       -------------
> 1       51              764949154               2509363         52
> 1               773122523
> name: queryExecutor
> -------------------
> queriesActive   queryDurationNs
> 1               1677180844
> name: shard
> tags: database=_internal, engine=tsm1, id=31, 
> path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/31,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> fieldsCreate    writePointsOk   writeReq
> ------------    -------------   --------
> 0               10623           138
> name: subscriber
> ----------------
> pointsWritten
> 10623
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1427909         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/10,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1427908         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/31,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1428182         0               0
> 9594304         0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/default/2,
> retentionPolicy=default
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1427908         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/17,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1427909         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/18,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1404711         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/19,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1389395         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/20,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1405509         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/21,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1397407         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/22,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1396496         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/23,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1396236         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/24,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1403847         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/25,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1414572         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/26,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1414691         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/27,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1405726         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/28,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1395702         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/29,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1416754         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/30,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1419778         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_month/13,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1427868         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_month/5,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1423398         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_week/12,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1422570         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_week/4,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1420522         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_cache
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_year/6,
> retentionPolicy=one_year
> WALCompactionTimeMs     cacheAgeMs      cachedBytes     diskBytes
> memBytes        snapshotCount
> -------------------     ----------      -----------     ---------
> --------        -------------
> 0                       1426600         0               0
> 0               0
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 330422
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/10,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 2321520
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/default/2,
> retentionPolicy=default
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 22524306
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/17,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 243080989
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/18,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 239262941
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/19,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 248413477
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/20,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 244294838
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/21,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 239914567
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/22,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 252412434
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/23,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 245078392
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/24,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 239291222
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/25,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 250779604
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/26,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 243886546
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/27,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 238989758
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/28,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 250148686
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/29,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 174987063
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_day/30,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 68603390
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_month/13,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 31862665
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_month/5,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 29406087
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_week/12,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 90157429
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_week/4,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 144493656
> name: tsm1_filestore
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/data/analytics/one_year/6,
> retentionPolicy=one_year
> diskBytes
> ---------
> 49154983
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/1,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/10,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=_internal, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/31,
> retentionPolicy=monitor
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 725550                  11936787
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/default/2,
> retentionPolicy=default
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/17,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/18,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/19,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/20,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/21,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/22,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/23,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/24,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/25,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/26,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/27,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/28,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/29,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_day/30,
> retentionPolicy=one_day
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_month/13,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_month/5,
> retentionPolicy=one_month
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_week/12,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_week/4,
> retentionPolicy=one_week
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: tsm1_wal
> tags: database=analytics, path=/var/lib/influxdb/wal/analytics/one_year/6,
> retentionPolicy=one_year
> currentSegmentDiskBytes oldSegmentsDiskBytes
> ----------------------- --------------------
> 0                       0
> name: write
> -----------
> pointReq        pointReqLocal   req     subWriteOk      writeOk
> 10623           10623           138     138             138
> name: runtime
> -------------
> Alloc           Frees           HeapAlloc       HeapIdle
> HeapInUse       HeapObjects     HeapReleased    HeapSys         Lookups
> Mallocs         NumGC   NumGoroutine  PauseTotalNs    Sys
> TotalAlloc
> 175354504       384279146       175354504       18333696
> 221331456       3414371         0               239665152       518
> 387693517       263     139  132846894        254351888       16680835416
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Sean Beckett <s...@influxdb.com> wrote:
>> 45k series should not consume 64GB of RAM. Are there any CQs running? How
>> many writes per second? Are they batched? What's the user-initiated query
>> load?
>> Can you verify the series count using
>> SELECT sum(numSeries) AS “total_series" FROM “_internal".."database"
>> WHERE time > now() - 10s
>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 6:07 PM, <rafit.izhak.rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> I am running into a similar problem,
>>> RAM size is 64G
>>> number of series is 45,158
>>> influxdb uses all the memory and crashes,
>>> Once it crashes, after restarting is will fill up the memory within 10
>>> minutes or so and will crash again.
>>> I am using the java api to push data,
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Rafit
>>> --
>>> Remember to include the InfluxDB version number with all issue reports
>>> ---
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
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>>> Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/influxdb.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/ms
>>> gid/influxdb/6d3e06d7-c36c-4da1-908c-9b0407646e31%40googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> --
>> Sean Beckett
>> Director of Support and Professional Services
>> InfluxDB
>> --
>> Remember to include the InfluxDB version number with all issue reports
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
>> Google Groups "InfluxDB" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit https://groups.google.com/d/to
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>> gid/influxdb/CALGqCvNN10UeGLDq00juNdjrRD-qpRD219bFtKzJPYHXDx
>> g%3D9Q%40mail.gmail.com
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>> .
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
> Rafit Izhak Ratzin, PhD
> Computer Science Department
> --
> Remember to include the InfluxDB version number with all issue reports
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "InfluxDB" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to influxdb+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Sean Beckett
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