The relay copies all data it receives to all configured backends. The basic 
flow should be something like this:

client -> load balancer -> relays -> influxdb, kapacitor (can have multiple 
instances of each)

Kapacitor should be configured to disable subscriptions and use the load 
balancer when querying InfluxDB.

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 7:41:08 AM UTC-7, 
> Hi Nathan 
> While reading this discussion, I got a question on your statement     
>    "I would look at option 2. This is where my questions comes in. If you 
> are running multiple relays, which I recommend you do, then it should not 
> be too difficult to update the config on each relay one at a time, making 
> use of the load balancer. Thus enabling you to add/remove Kapacitor 
> instances dynamically without downtime. " 
> My Questions here are 
> 1. If Relays are configured with Load balancer to sends the data points to 
> Kapacitor, the load balancer will send to only kapacitor instance right? 
> The load balance will not distribute the data points to multiple kapacitors 
> instances which are behind the load balancer. 
> 2. How to configure the relays to send the data points to Kapacitor and 
> what is the configuration required in Kapacitor? 
> Thanks 
> Jayanna 
> On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 1:13:04 PM UTC-5, 
> wrote: 
> > Kirtimaan, 
> > 
> > 
> > There are a few things at play here. Here are the questions I had while 
> reading about your setup: 
> > 
> > 
> > 1) Do you want multiple Kapacitor instances because of 
> redundancy/isolation or because you are worried about capacity? 
> > 2) Are you running multiple relays? If so how easy is it to reconfigure 
> them? 
> > 3) How often do you expect you will need a new Kapacitor instance? 
> Meaning, once every team is using it, are new teams created frequently or 
> would the need to create new Kapacitor instances flatten out? 
> > 
> > 
> > I don't need the answer to these question, but they should point you in 
> the right direction. 
> > 
> > 
> > Now to answer your questions: 
> > 
> > 
> > 1) I don't forsee any issues having multiple Kapacitor instances 
> connecting to the same InfluxDB instance. The Kapacitor instances will be 
> isolated and unaware of each other, InfluxDB will handle the subscriptions 
> well. We have tested this use case. 
> > 2) This is the tricky part. Since each InfluxDB server is receiving all 
> the data you can't have Kapacitor subscribe to both InfluxDB instances 
> without duplicating all your data to Kapacitor. As a result if you are 
> going to use subscriptions you have to pick only one InfluxDB server, which 
> means your HA Kapacitor story now has two points of failure, Kapacitor 
> itself and the InfluxDB server. Obviously not ideal 
> > 3) This depends on the workload each task adds, but we have tested 
> Kapacitor for use cases of 1000+ tasks. In other words as long as you have 
> the cpu/ram you need, which is sounds like you do, a single Kapacitor 
> instance should be efficient at handling many tasks. 
> > 
> > 
> > Since the answer to #2 is not ideal I would recommend the best 
> architecture would be to use the relay and not subscriptions. That leaves 
> two options: 
> > 
> > 
> > 1. Use a single Kapacitor instance 
> > 2. Run multiple Kapacitor instances behind the relay. 
> > 
> > 
> > Option 1 is the simplest but you risk one team creating a heavy task and 
> breaking alerting for all other teams. If this is a serious concern then I 
> would look at option 2. This is where my questions comes in. If you are 
> running multiple relays, which I recommend you do, then it should not be 
> too difficult to update the config on each relay one at a time, making use 
> of the load balancer. Thus enabling you to add/remove Kapacitor instances 
> dynamically without downtime.  Depending on the frequency of adding and 
> removing Kapacitor instances  and the importance of isolation/redundancy 
> you can invest in making that process as flexible subscriptions. 
> > 
> > 
> > Does that help give you a direction? Do you have any further questions? 
> > 
> > 
> > As a final note, if you do run into performance issues please let us 
> know. Kapacitor is still a young product and when new use cases pop up, we 
> want to learn how we can improve Kapacitor for those types of workloads. 
> That said what you are doing here seems reasonable and within the scope of 
> what we have tested. 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks 
> > 
> > On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 8:23:04 AM UTC-7, 
> wrote:I am setting up high availability influxdb setup as mentioned on 
> influxdb site. 
> > loadbalancer-->relay-->influxdbs(pri/sec) and kapacitor 
> > Though there are obvious advantages to sending real time traffic via 
> influxdbrelay to Kapacitor together with influxdbs,it takes away 
> flexibility to spin up multiple kapacitors in the environment without 
> updating relay configuration. 
> > Our usecase has several teams who want to control their own alerting 
> configuration in kapacitor so we are looking for spinning up multiple 
> kapacitors in the environment (one controlled by each team). I have couple 
> questions around that: 
> > 1) Do you forsee any issues with having multiple kapacitors in the 
> environment talking to same influxdb servers (if they subscribe themselves 
> to influxdb servers instead of relay pushing traffic to kapacitors for 
> which it would need to be updated). 
> > 2) If i have two influxdb servers which are identical (primary and 
> secondary), where should my kapacitor point to? (load balancer DNS or 
> influxdb-primary and influxdb-secondary in the list [host1, host2]? 
> > 3) How many tasks can one kapacitor handle ( I can throw as many 
> resources (cpu/ram) on it as i want)? 
> > 
> > Thanks 
> > Kirtimaan 

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