> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Hoyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 9:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Unix to Dos filtering

> Much of the same caveats exist re: sharing over samba as 
> sharing over NFS, only worse (samba has this habit of attempting
> to convert text files itself unless you stop it...)

Wrong.  I distinctly remember the samba guys (Allison & Tridgell) saying they didn't 
want samba to attempt any such conversion.  From the samba docs:

!== CRLF-LF-Conversions.txt for Samba release 2.0.5a 22 Jul 1999
We get many requests for CRLF/LF format conversion handling by samba.
The problem is that there is no clean way to determine which files
should / could be converted and which MUST not be.

Since Unix and DOS/Windows uses alike will use .txt to represent a
file containing ASCII text we can not reliably use the file extension.
The same applies to the .doc extension.

Samba operates around the premise that we should leave all files unchanged.
By not implementing CRLF/LF conversions we can not be guilty of damaging
anyone's files.

When someone comes along with a sound implementation that guarantees file
integrity we will jump at the opportunity to implement this feature. Until
such time there is no prospect for action on this topic.
!== end CRLF-LF-Conversions.txt

You may want to re-think your understanding of samba, et al.


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