This will only work if your repository is on the same machine as your webserver
and if your webserver is only one one machine.

For something more flexible, you essentially have to have a cronjob do periodic
cvs updates.

One of our projects does this.  The website is huge and changes are pushed live
4 times a day.  If changes aren't made by the time of an update, they have to
wait until the next one.

What turned out to be more of a problem is making sure files get comitted,
added, and deleted as necessary where people are editing.  Typical HTML person
doesn't know UNIX and can't understand how CVS works and typically gets
confused due to CVSs cryptic error messages and subtle behavior (no slight on
CVS; it's a programmer's tool).  We built a web interface that abstracts CVS's
necessities away from the HTML person.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 10:46:27AM +1200, Chris Cameron wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 22, 2000 6:40 AM, Russell A Hoffman 
> > Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a CVS question I 
> had?
> > Well, what I'm trying to do is manage a fairly large website using CVS.
> > I've managed to successfully import and test checking it out (can you 
> tell
> > I'm a newbie? :), but now I'm wondering what to do to keep the original
> > website files up to date.  For instance, the repository is in
> > /cvsroot/html, and the original files are in /home/httpd/html, and I'm
> > wondering how to keep the original files "in-sync" with the cvs (updated)
> > version?  I'm probably not wording it right, or not explaining it
> > correctly, but I'm just hoping someone out there will be able to decipher
> > what I'm trying to say, and let me know if/how this can be done ;)
> >
> This is described by cederqvist in the loginfo section.  I posted the 
> excerpt from our loginfo file that does this job last week (from memory).
> ***************************************************************
> Chris Cameron                    Open Telecommunications NZ Ltd
> Software Development Team Leader
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           P.O.Box 10-388
>       +64 4 495 8403 (DDI)                          The Terrace
> fax:  +64 4 495 8419                                 Wellington
> cell: +64 21 650 680                                New Zealand
> Life, don't talk to me about life ....(Marvin - HHGTTG)

David Copeland
Software Engineering Director
Relationship Architects for e-Business

Voice 415 646 7026 | Fax 415 646 7001

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