I'm not going to test this, but something like this:

cvs co .                                # get a full repository
cvs history -c -u$USER -Dyesterday >tmp$$.txt
outfile=lineitems-`date +%Y%m%d`.txt
while read line; do
    echo $line >>$outfile
    revision=`echo $line |awk '{print $6}'`
    dir=`echo $line |awk '{print $8}'`
    file=`echo $line |awk '{print $7}'`
    cvs log -r$revision $dir/$file |sed -ne '/^revision/,$p'>>$outfile
done <tmp$$.txt
rm tmp$$.txt

Don't run it twice in a row without deleting lineitems-<date>.txt.

No warranties and all that jazz.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
#! perl
@a = ( 0x2E805,0x6B39,0x15B3,0x45993,0x153C,0x1D9F );
for ( @a ) { ( $s, $i )=( 'a', 0 ); $s++ while $i++ < $_; print "$s" }

TC wrote:

> I work as an indepdent contractor, most clients require detail line
> item billingwhich requires me to itemize the scr files i work on each
> day. I have been just updating my own work order system.I realized  a
> <cvs commit -m sdfsd filename> at the end of each day, gives methe
> basic's for my line item billing info but do not seemd to be able to
> get a datesorted list with the comit messages using either cvs log or
> cvs historycvs history -c -uME would be perfect if I could just get
> the message for eachone of these commit messages. Anybody know a
> combination to get cvs history to spill messages for each commit ???

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