On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:12:08PM -0500, Larry Jones wrote:
> Konrad Hernblad writes:
> > 
> > in cvs, i would like to store the c:\project\src directory as 
> > "project-src", but when i checkout "project-src", i would like the local 
> > directory name to be "src" (as it was originally), and not "project-src". 
> Use the -d option of checkout or define a module that includes it.

Or just go with the JBuilder flow, and import it as "project/src"
in the first place.

Granted, you don't want to CVSify the other JBuilder directories.
But for some projects, you might create your own subdirectories
that you do want under CVS control (properties files,
documentation, test cases, static HTML -- just a few
possibilities that come to mind).  Not to mention the main
JBuilder project file (*.prj or whatever it's called).  When that
need arises, it'll be nice to have the structure in place so you
can just "cvs add" the directories in question.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
Interviewer: You've been looking at the stars all your life:
Is there anything in astrology?
Arthur C. Clarke: It's utter nonsense.  But I'm a Sagittarius,
so I'm naturally skeptical.

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