On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 09:12:23PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    After installing the cvs I know I need to setup users accounts.
>    But Nothing is mentioned about the administors account.

Personally, I would recommend not using pserver, and instead, use cvs in
client/server over rsh or ssh.

This way you can use the standard unix admin tools to maintain things.  You
can use the familiar Unix permissions, especially groups, to control access
to various bits and pieces if need be.  And all in all, it's a lot less

>    2. I've setup up /usr/local/cvsroot filesystem. Who should
>       own this filesystem. I've temporarily set it to dev as the
>       group. But root owns the filesystem.

If following my advice, you'd make it accessible to the developers.  So
whatever groups they may be in.

>    3. I still don't understand the modules. Is this something
>       the developers would need such as libraries, a compiler
>       or what ?

Modules often mean two things:  First, just a top level directory
structure.  Second are those formally defined in modules files.  At one
point, cvs was going to have everything use the modules files only, but
it's never gone all the way there.  If you don't want to use modules, you
don't have to.

But, one thing modules *can* give you, if you want to use them, is the
ability to pull bits and pieces together into a coherent bit.  Example, say
you have two separate projects that both use a 3rd party library.  Then you
could set up a module so that it could bring down the library into the
appropriate directory structure of each project.  This is handy if a
developer works on only one project or the other.  On the other hand, if
someone works on both, they end up duplicating disk space (not a bad thing
really, as disk is cheap).  It could even be that the "3rd party" library
is actually a library maintained by another group.  They could work on just
that library (along with their test drivers) and never touch your code.

Personally I would recommend playing around with CVS in a non-client/server
situation first.  Get a feel for how it works locally.  Play around.  Then
start using C/S mode by either rsh/ssh into your own machine, or use the
new :fork: method of accessing.  See how it works and does it's thing.
Then rsh/ssh from another machine.

       Mike Castle       Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and be right all the time, or not work at all
www.netcom.com/~dalgoda/ and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen

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