As Greg said: "You *only* need to know which repository to use when
doing the initial checkout of a module -- after that it's all
automatic."  Once you check out a module from that point on it remembers
where it came from (file CVS/root in that folder).  CVS will use that by

WinCVS can definately support multiple CVSROOT.  With WinCVS 1.2 you can
have different folders set up to remember your settings.  I have a
folder for each of the repositories I use, and WinCVS keeps track of all
that for me.

-- David F.

nidelet thomas wrote:
> >
> > I think if you do your layout design correctly it'll also only be those
> > people who need to check out every project who need to even know about
> > the existance of multiple repositories.
> yes but the people who need to check out every project work under windows
> and i don't think
> wincvs can support multiple CVSROOT... Of course they could change their
> CVSROOT every time they have to checkout a project or commit new things but
> it's a little bit too long to do..
> but thanks for the advice. If my changes come to make bugs in cvs i would
> use multiple repository...
> But i changed some code and I add a new admin file. authuser in which i
> define user per module
> like
> module:user1,user2 but i coudn't get the aliases work yet so i will see
> thanks
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