Ryan Grow writes:
> We are having problems with one of our working areas. The developer told me
> that he tried to rename several files from being lower case to having a
> leading upper case letter.

I have a Perl script which is run from commitinfo which catches one of the
case conflict issues with CVS.  The problem this solves is two people adding a
file which has the same 'Windoze' name but different 'UNIX' names, e.g., FrEd.txt
and fReD.TXT, both users are allowed to add it, the first to commit gets the
file in, the next one is refused by the script which finds the existing file
which has different case.

Add this to commitinfo:


and add conflict.pl to the checkoutlist file.  conflict.pl is attached, add
and commit is to CVSROOT.  I know this doesn't help with your problem, but if
you haven't done this already it will hurt you one day!


Martin Tomes



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