I am attempting to set up a CVS repository with anonymous pserver read-only 

My server configuration is:
Red Hat Linux 7
cvs 1.11-1

My client configuration is:
WinCVS 1.2

To set up anonymous pserver access, I have the following settings in my 
/CVSROOT/readers contains "anonymous"
/CVSROOT/writers is blank
/CVSROOT/val-tags is world-writeable - "-rw-rw-rw-"
/CVSROOT/config has all settings commented out

My CVSROOT directory settings are "drwxrwxr-x
My module file level settings are "drwxrwxrwx"

With these settings, attempting to checkout my module returns the following 
error in WinCVS:
"cvs [server aborted]:  "checkout" requires write access to the repository"

Entering "anonymous" in my writers file corrects this error.  However, this 
has the obvious undesired effect of giving commit/write access to anonymous 

Are there other settings that I need to modify to set up read-only anonymous 

Thanks in advance,
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