Hi Nate,

You say "module", do you really mean module or 
do you mean an individual file?

If it is a whole module ( i.e. your top-level
directory ), each file inside a module has it's
own revision. You are better off doing it by
date ( see the -D flag to update in the manual ),
revisions aren't the right way to do this.

If you mean an individual file, here's an easy way 
to pull revision 1.1 of filename.c onto your
working copy ( you would just need to commit
it, making a new revision, 1.6, that is equivalent 
to 1.1 ) :

cvs update -pr 1.1 filename.c > filename.c

Rob Helmer

On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 03:56:43PM -0700, Nate Haggard wrote:
> I want to roll a module back to revision 1.1 even though the current 
> revision is 1.5.  I don't even care about changes made since 1.1.  Is there 
> any way to go back to that point in a module while discarding all the 
> changes made since 1.1?
> Thanks
> Nate
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