On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 12:12:27PM -0400, Larry Jones wrote:
> If you're using su to get to root, then CVS should be able to figure out
> your real userid and you should be able to commit.

Only if you're using it locally.  Client/server, it's the server
that does the getlogin(), and that has no idea who the client's
logged in as -- "root" is the only info available.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
The world has been attacked.  The world must respond ... [but] we must
be guided by a commitment to do what works in the long run, not by what
makes us feel better in the short run.
        - Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada

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