In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Sander wrote:
>>It only looks broken when we call it renaming; calling it renaming doesn't
>>make it renaming.
>Fine.  CVS doesn't support renaming.  We all know that.  So it's incomplete.
>Some would still claim that its lack of support for renaming means that
>CVS is broken and needs to be fixed.  That is to say, it's BAD (Broken
>As Designed) and that the fix must be made at a very fundamental level.

The problem is, I wouldn't hold my breath. You will likely see Subversion
mature into production use, yet CVS won't yet support renaming at
that time. At which point it will become moot.

CVS would likely require a massive rewrite to get the repository support
for renaming. In a sense, Subversion *is* that massive rewrite.
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