
Thank you for your response.  I have read, for the nth time, all of chapter

Yes, the branch does have a tag.  There are so many tags all over his files
(good thing) that we do not have to refer to the numbers, that was out of
sheer desperation on my part.  I followed your directions (note we've done
that before).  He even started over, creating yet another branch and more
tags.  The end result is the same, his files are not merging in the way he

As a test I created a new file in this module and simulated what he had done
with 3 differences.  1) My test did not have any keywords in use and 2) I
actually edited the files not just copied it over with a similar file and 3)
I didn't beautify.   I have absolutely no problems.  I had two branches
complete with merges with conflicts.  Exactly like I would expect.
Everything is as it should be.  My being able to merge didn't improve my
success rate getting his code to merge.  

So back to his code.  We can cvs diff his files using the revision numbers,
we can cvs diff them using tags, we can diff them with viewcvs and with
wincvs.   All diffs everywhere yield expected results - there are
differences and conflicts.  The diffs appears to be a red herring ... on the
branch, he just copied (overwrote) in the file from a vendor and then
beautified it.   This file had been plucked (not branched) from the repo
months before.  

Since the file in question was plucked from the repo months before and then
just plopped onto the branch overwriting whatever was there, it seems to be
that the file just overwrites (take precedence) over what was in the main
trunk when an update -j is done.  Correct?   

This is like trying to herd cats.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:17 PM
To: Schwenk, Jeanie
Subject: Re: merge issue

Schwenk, Jeanie writes:
>                  +---------+    +---------+    
> Branch 1.8   -> _! !----! !
>                / +---------+    +---------+   
>               /
>              /
> +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+     +------+
> ! 1.7 !----! 1.8 !----! 1.9 !----! 1.10 !----! 1.11 !  <- trunk
> +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+     +------+
> He wants to merge the changes from into 1.11. 

"Changes from" is a meaningless phrase -- changes are what
happen *between* revisions.  To merge all the changes from that branch
into the trunk, you want to do (assuming your working directory is
already up-to-date on the trunk, if not, do update -A first):

        cvs update -j 1.8.2

(The branch tag for 1.8.2 would be better than the actual revision
number of the branch -- you did tag the branch when you created it,
didn't you?)  Note carefully that you need to give update the *branch*
tag or number, not the tag or number of a specific revision.  A branch
tag means all the changes between the root of the branch and the tip of
the branch.  In this case, that's equivalent to:

        cvs update -j 1.8 -j

I think you both need to go back and carefully re-read the Branching and
merging section of the manual:


-Larry Jones

They can make me do it, but they can't make me do it with dignity. -- Calvin

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