[ On Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 16:55:56 (-0200), Tiago Alves Macambira wrote: ]
> Subject: Creating Per-User repositories
> Perhaps it is not really all that complitated to do this with pserver,

It would be MUCH easier, and far more secure overall, to just use SSH.

> as I could easily put each user repository as a directory inside the

Yes, each user's $CVSROOT could be within their $HOME with SSH too.

> [2] If it was possible, I'd rather use SSH[3] as authentication and
> access mechanism, instead of pserver, but then i loose the possibility
> of having the per-project user-editable password/control files.

You don't need user-editable password files with SSH -- they don't exist
there anyway!

> [3] If there was support for ACL[5] in linux, we could just ignore all those
> little issues and use CVS + SSH + all the stuff we need.

If you need ACLs (and you maybe do to get all the functionality you
desire), then why don't you choose a platform which supports them!?!?!?!?

> [5] OK, jfs supports ACL but isn't there a cleaner way?! Some sort of
> way that doesn't depends on having file-system conversions, backups and
> such?!

Use ACLs if you need them.  They're user-controllable.  Choose a
suitable platform that implements all of the functionality you need.
Don't base your platform choice on irrelevant factors!

                                                                Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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