Another approach that doesn't require developers to perform as many merges
is to implement a hand-off procedure that declares certain versions as
eligible for the build.  This can be as simple as applying tags, or it could
be more complicated.  That way, the developers and the builders can share
the same branch and yet still have some recourse if someone commits garbage.

Check the info-cvs archives for "submit/assemble" for discussion of one
successful method that doesn't rely on tags.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are using CVS to store Java source code.  Currently, all developers in
the project are directly commiting against HEAD.  We would like (as much as
possible) to keep HEAD in a stable state and so would like to start using
branches to create a dev environment.

Is this better approached by creating a single DEV branch or creating
seperate dev branches for each individual developer?  What are people's
experiences with either approach?

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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