Good news.

I received the requisite password earlier this afternoon, and 
have entered and reconfigured the Mailman Posting 
requirements.  In order to post without moderation, a poster 
must be subscribed.  I shall moderate in accordance with my 
Proposal as supplemented by my Proposal reply post earlier 

There were 251 queued items awaiting administrator attention.  
The earliest dated back to December 2000.  I have purged, 
unread, these items.  This gives me a clean slate from which 
to start.

I have configured the Mailman to provide to me daily reminder
notifications on pieces awaiting moderation.  I have also set
a shortcut link on my personal base homepage linkfarm, so that
I can pop on and off during the day, to manage that queue.

-- sure hope it makes a difference.

-- Russ Herrold

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