Ok, got this figured out.  Just incase anyone wants to know:

I'm using a CVS binary from cvshome.org's download pages.  Specially the one

I did define the HOME environment variable and now it's creating the
.cvspass properly.

But still:

J:\projects\ORHwBringUp>cvs ci -m "mycvstry" Makefile
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository

Here's what is happening:
1. J: is a networked drive connected to my home directory on our Linux
server via Samba
2. I started doing my work telneted into the server and got checkin and
checkouts working fine
3. CVS creates the directory CVS inside your workspace when you do your
checkout; it also creates the file Root in that directory set to your
CVSROOT where you got your files checked out from.  In my case this CVS/Root
looked like '/swdev/cvsroot'
4. I then tried to checkin some changes via CVS in a DOS box on my local
machine, with CVSROOT=:pserver:derosier@engswdev:/swdev/cvsroot
These failed with a message of:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository

Reason: CVS stores your CVS Root in the file Root off of the subdirectory
CVS in you project's working directory.  It uses this file to determine
where the files should be checked back into, ignoring the actual CVSROOT
variable.  This is normally not a problem, but it is in the case where you
do the check out locally, then do the edits and try to check them in
remotely (since this is a samba network drive to my windows 2k machine)
using the pserver method.  In this case it fails because CVS/Root has the
"wrong" CVSROOT string.

New question:  Is there an easy way to fix this problem, so I can
transparently use CVS in the same working directory both remotely and

Basically, my current "fix" is to only use one method, ie only do my work
remotely using pserver.

- Steve

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shankar Unni [mailto:shankar@;cotagesoft.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:35 AM
> To: 'Steve deRosier'
> Subject: RE: pserver login problem to Linux from Win2k
> Looks like you should do these operations in a clean area.
> Also, which Windows CVS client are you using? The CVSNT client? Or the
> Cygwin CVS client? Try defining a HOME environment so that it has
> forward slashes instead of backslashes.  (set HOME=c:/).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:info-cvs-admin@;gnu.org] On Behalf
> Of Steve deRosier
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:38 AM
> To: CVS Discussion List
> Subject: pserver login problem to Linux from Win2k
> I have a CVS repository on our Linux development server that I need to
> access from my Win2k box.  I can access that repository logged in
> locally on the sever via telnet, and I can also access it via WinCVS,
> but I need to be able to access it from the command line (trying
> psever).  CVS from the command line is complaining about my CVSROOT
> variable.  It's probably just a simple Win vs Unix syntax issue, but I
> need help.
> Version on the sever is CVS 1.11.1p1 and I just downloaded the binary
> for Win which is v1.11.2
> Sample of my session via a DOS window (CVSROOT is set as an environment
> variable to be ':pserver:derosier@engswdev:/swdev/cvsroot'):
> -------
> J:\projects\ORHwBringUp>cvs ci -m "cmdline test" Makefile
> cvs commit: in directory .:
> cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent
> repository /swdev/cvsroot cvs commit: in directory .: cvs commit:
> ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
> /swdev/cvsroot cvs commit: warning: failed to open C:\/.cvspass for
> reading: No such file or directory cvs commit: authorization failed:
> server engswdev rejected access to /swdev/cvsroot for user derosier cvs
> commit: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password
> J:\projects\ORHwBringUp>set
> CVSROOT=:pserver:derosier@engswdev:/swdev/cvsroot
> J:\projects\ORHwBringUp>echo %CVSROOT%
> :pserver:derosier@engswdev:/swdev/cvsroot
> J:\projects\ORHwBringUp>cvs login
> cvs login: in directory .:
> cvs login: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent
> repository /swdev/cvsroot Logging in to
> :pserver:derosier@engswdev:2401/swdev/cvsroot
> CVS password:
> cvs login: warning: failed to open C:\/.cvspass for reading: No such
> file or directory
> ----
> BTW--engswdev properly resolves to the IP of the server as it is set in
> my hosts file.
> Any ideas would be great.
> Thanks,
> - Steve
> --
> Steve deRosier
> PianoDisc Design Engineer
> (916) 567-9999 ext. 175
> www.pianodisc.com
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