>>>>> "Larry" == Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Larry> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Taler)
  Larry> Subject: Re: Providing the functionality of CVS as a library
  Larry> Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 14:01:58 -0500 (EST)

  Larry> There's only one client/server protocol that's used by all the client/
  Larry> server methods (pserver, ext, fork, etc.): see doc/cvsclient.*.

And happily it can be invoked as "cvs server" on the command
line, to support the local repository case and make development
easier.  Thanks for the pointer, it's just what I need.

The libcvs project has now been approved (thanks Derek?), so if
you're curious take a look at libcvs.cvshome.org.  I've written
some design docs for the API, and now we're working on an
implementation of the CVS client purely in Perl.


Some men can swing by their heels on the flying trapeze; some men can become
president of the republic; I can drink cognac.
                           Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (as portrayed in Moulin Rouge)

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