On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 04:01:45PM +0200, Julien Wajsberg wrote:
> You have to use "cvs update -dP" on your server sandbox to create new
> directories and delete empty one in a workign directory.

I've tried this, and it doesn't work:

----- begin included text -----
gossypiboma~/cvs/library/modules $ ls
CVS           Field.pm      FieldList.pm  Session.pm    WebDB.pm
Field         FieldList     MyDatabase.pm WebDB
gossypiboma~/cvs/library/modules $ cvs update -dP
cvs update: Updating .
cvs update: Updating Book
cvs update: Updating Book/SearchDisplayView
cvs update: Updating Field
cvs update: Updating FieldList
cvs update: Updating View
cvs update: Updating WebDB
gossypiboma~/cvs/library/modules $ ls
CVS           Field.pm      FieldList.pm  Session.pm    WebDB.pm
Field         FieldList     MyDatabase.pm WebDB
gossypiboma~/cvs/library/modules $ 
----- end included text -----

The old Book/ directories/files aren't added, but neither is
the MyDatabase/ directory, which is what I'm trying to get.

Jesse Sheidlower

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