
Just wondering what minor problems you had, just in case they might pertain
to other peoples' migration strategies (or my own someday)?

David R. Chase
Senior Unemployed Software Developer  ; )

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim.Hyslop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: CVS server upgrade?

> Courier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Here is I would like to do: I will take currently cvs server off line,
> > then tar the whole Repository, then bring up a new system and
> > cp and untar
> > Repository on new server. Our cvs server is a stand alone
> > server. All my
> > users are accessing via pserver. I don't have any problems
> > with username
> > and their password migrations, but just concerned about cvs
> > Repository.
> When we upgraded our server, we took a similar approach.
> We scheduled a dry-run of the process ahead of time, just to make sure
> were no problems and to work out any unforeseen problems. The dry run
> very valuable, because there _were_ some minor things we had overlooked.
> This saved us the time (and embarassment) of cutting off our users from
> repository multiple times.
> In order to minimize the impact on the users, we took the original server
> off-line just long enough to create the tarball. As soon as the tar was
> complete, we restarted the server in read-only mode (create an empty
> CVSROOT/writers file to make the whole repository read-only). Thus, people
> could still check out and browse the repository, but they couldn't check
> anything in (and thus throw the two repositories out of sync).
> After we were satisfied the new server was up and running properly, we
> simply did a DNS switch on the server name (the name the users see is an
> alias to the actual machine name).
> --
> Jim Hyslop
> Senior Software Designer
> Leitch Technology International Inc. (<http://www.leitch.com/>)
> Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (<http://www.cuj.com/experts>)
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