> Todd Denniston writes:
> > 5) is there a more efficient way of locking the repository 
> than creating all
> > the `#cvs.rfl' in all the sub directories of all the 
> repositories? That is, is
> > there a single file I can create that blocks access to each 
> repo for the whole
> > repo, instead of what is suggested for backup?
> No.  CVS locking is per-directory.
Todd, would an empty CVSROOT/writers file work for you? It won't completely
block access to the repository, but it will prevent anyone checking anything
in while the file exists.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

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