> I would like a consultation concerning CVS software:cvsnt-2.0.41a.exe
> I have to use this software in a project. 
> I can't add the file how have size equal or more than 500 Mo 
> in the Repostory, 
> I don't know why???
> I don't understand way. Somme bodies help me ? I'm very close 
> to deadline so 
> I'll appreciate a rapid response. 
Well, rule #1 when asking for help: Provide the error message!

Imagine this scenario: You phone your mechanic and say "My car is not
working, please tell me what's wrong with it." What will the mechanic say?
Well, you've just put us in the same position.

Along a different note - why are you trying to add such a large file to CVS?

Also, this problem *may* be specific to CVSNT, in which case you might
consider asking on a cvsnt mail list (see www.cvsnt.org for more

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

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