Spiro Trikaliotis writes:
> Just a thought that came up just now: Could anyone use "cvs admin -o"
> to delete the branches revisions, and delete the branches afterwards?
> For example:
>    cvs admin -o BRANCHTAG::

Unfortunately, -o takes revsion tags.  When you give it BRANCHTAG, that
means the most recent revision on the branch, so the above command does
nothing (there are no revisions after the most recent revision to
delete).  Closer would be:

        cvs admin -o:BRANCHTAG

which does the right thing when there are actual revisions on the
branch, but deletes the base revision when there aren't, which is
seriously wrong.  The fundamental problem is that admin was just a
wrapper for RCS and it's never been enhanced to treat branches the way
CVS does instead of the way RCS does.

-Larry Jones

It's either spectacular, unbelievable success, or crushing, hopeless
defeat!  There is no middle ground! -- Calvin

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