Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a director asking why I don't want to user the company's
> clear case server. One item I mentioned is the lack of integration
> into unix tools and the lack of a unix client. Are these good/valid
> reasons? What are other reasons?

No Unix client ?  I thought there was one, you'd better research
that a little more.

I need more context here.  Is the rest of the company already using
ClearCase, supported by the IT staff and with a pais up license ?
Would you be working on joint projects ?  If so, get the staff to
install the client on all your machines, get yourself trained, join
the team and add the bullet point to your resume.

If however *you* would be in charge of administering CC
locally, the picture changes.  You can draft an estimate of
conversion costs, including: licenses, training, staffing.
CC doesn't run itself.

You didn't list the alternatives.  What rev control system
would be using if CC wasn't in the picture ?

pa at panix dot com
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