I cannot file any file or directory on the system called attjcl.. where
is cvs getting this from?

$ cvs -d /x1/cvs/ remove x2/02.00/orarep/cldn010.jsp
cvs remove: file `x2/02.00/orarep/cldn010.jsp' already scheduled for
$ cvs -d /x1/cvs/ commit -m "removing"
cvs commit: failed to create lock directory for `/x1/cvs/aatjcl'
(/x1/cvs/aatjcl/#cvs.lock): No such file or directory
cvs commit: lock failed - giving up
cvs [commit aborted]: lock failed - giving up
cvs commit: failed to create lock directory for

Also, what's the correct way to remove an object from repository so
that it can be re-added at a later date, by any other developer with
the same name starting at v 1.1 ?


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