Norm Crisp wrote:

> I apologize in advance as this is really a question for WinCVS users but I
> can't seem to find the right forum for WinCVS.
> I have created a template to use on cvs commits.  The template is in the
> CVSROOT directory and the rcsinfo has been updated to point to the
> template
> file.  Command line cvs works fine and the template appears in my editor
> of
> choice.  The problem is I can't seem to get the template loaded when I
> commit through winCVS (v1.3.17.2).  I keep getting the same message of
> "Can't find Template File"
> Has anyone experienced this or have a suggestion for me.
> Thank you.
> Norm.

As far as I remember, you have to do a checkout to obtain templates (in CVS 

Hope it helps.


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