Without a better model of why or when this is happening, I'd rather not try 
to just minimize  the problem.  Once we can reproduce it at will, I won't 
mind trying to find workarounds.


--On Sunday, March 11, 2001 01:00:20 AM -0500 Jeremy Beker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Larry,
>     I would agree that this is almost definitely due to multiple
>     concurrent accesses from the mail client.  In my trials I have
> noticed that most of the more modern email clients (specifically the
> Microsoft ones) open many concurrent connections to the IMAP server.
>     How difficult would it be to set the server to flush the seen state
> immediately?  Even just to test with for a while.  I don't mind loosing a
> little performance in the short term to eliminate the problem.
>     Thanks for your help.
> -Jeremy
> On 3/10/01 7:56 AM, "Lawrence Greenfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The .../j/jbeker/jbeker.seen file is a database file (either flat or db3;
>> Cyrus comes preconfigured to use flat) containing "mailbox unique ids ->
>> uid range mappings", basically.  The mailbox uniqueid is in the
>> cyrus.header file inside the mailbox and is kept the same even when the
>> mailbox is renamed (thus keeping seen state with the mailbox).
>> There's also a timestamp kept of the last time that the mailbox has been
>> selected, and messages are considered recent if they came after that last
>> time.
>> I've been trying to reproduce these sorts of problems using imtest and
>> have thus far been unsuccessful in doing it consistently.  If anyone can
>> tell me how to reproduce this problem consistently I'd really appreciate
>> it.
>> I have a few vague ideas about why it happens; it should almost certainly
>> involve multiple concurrent connections, and the database file isn't
>> being refreshed as often as it should.
>> This problem basically comes about because the Cyrus server doesn't treat
>> seen state as important as other flag state and caches it in memory for
>> longer, and multiple sessions might do funky things.
>> Larry
>> --On Tuesday, January 02, 2001 07:51:57 AM -0500 Jeremy Beker
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>>     I have been having a problem with 2.0.9 that I have read about in
>>>     some earlier messages on the list.  Namely that sometimes (not
>>> always) new messages arrive, but are already marked as read.
>>>     I have been trying to pin down the reasons, but it is still alluding
>>>     me. If I send myself a test message, and check my mail, it *always*
>>> shows up as unread.  But when I come in in the morning and check my
>>> mail, all of the messages that have come in overnight are already
>>> marked as read.  These are the only two instances that I have been able
>>> to identify a consistent behavior.
>>>     Could someone give me a quick explanation of how cyrus stores a
>>>     messages seen state?  From what I have been able to gather, it is
>>> stored in the /var/imap/j/jbeker/jbeker.seen file, but the format of
>>> that file does not seem obvious (at least to me).  If someone could
>>> give me some pointers, I will try to get some better data.
>>>     Thanks.
>>> -Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Beker, Technical Manager
> Research & Development, 3-G International
> S/MIME Cert: http://employees.3gi.com/~jbeker/
> Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance.

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