Thanks for the info Nick.  I had no problems with db3 or SASL, and I
already have a pretty clean sendmail config that will pipe messages
through procmail - which then calls deliver.  Makes for a much more
dynamic and flexible mail filtering system.

As for the PAM stuff, I was really planning to use pwcheck in its
usual manner.  I have had very good luck with this on 1.6.24 and would
like to change as little as possible going to my new server (I'm
already changing the OS *and* the imapd version!).

Thanks for your response.


On 07/03/01 01:45 PM, Nick Sayer sat at the `puter and typed:
> It's fairly straightforward. I recommend this set of steps:
> 1. Install the db3 port. Just do that in the ordinary way.
> 2. Search the archives of this list for the SASL pwcheck_pam.c file. 
> When you build the cyrus-sasl port, you want to modify the build so that 
> pwcheck uses this file.
> 3. Modify /etc/pam.conf to add entries for the 'cyrus' service to use 
> whichever PAM functionality you desire (at this point you have the 
> option of adding other pam module ports if you wish, such as pam_smb).
> 4. Install the cyrus-imap port in the usual manner. You don't need to 
> add any options.
> 5. Make yourself an /etc/mail/ file. Do this by copying the 
> file and modifying it to taste. One thing you will need to 
> do is this:
> FEATURE(local_lmtp)dnl
> define(`confLOCAL_MAILER',`cyrus')dnl
> MAILER(smtp)dnl
> Mcyrus    P=[IPC], F=lsSDFMngA@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n, S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
>        T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,U=cyrus:cyrus, A=FILE /var/imap/socket/lmtp
> The MAILER_DEFINITION should be salted to taste. The A argument should 
> be set to wherever the lmtp socket lives, as defined by cyrus.conf, and 
> the rest of the arguments should shadow the normal SMTP mailer 
> definition for the most part.
> You may wish to modify the mc file in other ways (for example, adding 
> cyrus-sasl may make it desirable to add sasl authentication to sendmail 
> for authenticated SMTP), but such mods are outside the scope of this 
> document.
> When you're done, make and test it, copying it to if 
> it works. Then 'make restart' to restart sendmail.
> That ought to do it.
> Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> >Hey all.  I have Cyrus imapd 1.6.24 running on a RH 6.2 linux box, and
> >it has done quite well since just after the 1.6.24 release.  No
> >complaints whatsoever.  Install was complicated, but well documented
> >in the Linux HowTo, so great.
> >
> >Now the problem.  I am switching my server to FreeBSD 4.3 and would
> >like to upgrade to 2.0.14 - which is present in a FreeBSD port.
> >
> >Does anyone know where I can find install info specific to FreeBSD?  I
> >am checking out the html install info in the distribution, and it
> >notes a couple Linux specific steps, but . . .
> >
> >Any and all help is appreciated.
> >
> >TIA
> >Lou
> >

Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                ԿԬ

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