Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 00:40:15 -0400
   From: "Kevin J. Menard, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Hmm . . . This would be fine for me, but maybe someone else would run
   into a problem with wanting to use '/' in a username (have no clue
   why).  In that case, an entry like "usesep: whatever_char_here" might
   be a better idea, although admittedly harder to implement.

Yeah, one could imagine this.  However, making it more configurable
just means that admins can set it to something stupid; IMAP
interoperability is bad enough as it is, and we'd rather not deal with
people complaining that they set the hier-sep to "a" and Outlook 95b12
doesn't work.


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