Cyrus IMAPD v. 2.0.15
Postfix MTA v. 20010228-pl03

This could probably be considered a Postfix issue - but I'm going
to try here first if nobody minds...  (c8=

Hopefully this is very simple:

When I log onto cyradm, the first prompt I recieve is:

'Please enter your password:'

...which never works ( I'm using pam_mysql for auth ), and subsequently
generates the following log:

Jul  9 23:36:35 shnarf imapd[4912]: badlogin:[] 
PLAIN no mechanism available

... and *then* I get the 'IMAP Password:' prompt ( after a short but
annoying pause ), which works as it should, allowing me to begin my
cyradm session. 

SOOooo, can any of you kind folks out there perhaps throw me a clue?

I'd like to do whatever may be required ( whether via cyrus, or via
Postfix - I know there's got to be some postfix-cyrus user out there ),
in order to disable and completely 'nix that first prompt.  

The only possibly applicable params in my '' postfix conf file
are the following:

pwcheck_method = PAM
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext

( I thought maybe 'noplaintext' would do tha trick -- but, no go. )

I really appreciate any and all suggestions!

Beers, and thanks -


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