> at a mailhub and deliver to the backend IMAP Server. However, the mailhub
> unable to connect to
> the IMAP server on Port 25. Obviously, when sendmail is started on the
> Server, it doesn't listen
> on Port 25. Why? What am I missing here? Is there a define
> method/configuration to support this
> environment?

You may not be running sendmail with the correct cmd-line flags. Sendmail
can run in a queuing mode (where it only tends its mailqueue and does not
answer port 25) and it can also run in daemon mode (where it both tends the
queue and answers incoming connections). To run sendmail in daemon mode with
a 1-hour queue interval the cmd line would be '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q1h'.
Depending upon what OS you run, your init scripts are probably starting
sendmail and thats where you need to make the change (if this is, in fact,
your problem). Note that I did not look at your .mc file very closely so
there may be problems there also. If you do see a sendmail process running
and it is not listening to port 25, your command line flags are most likely
the cause.


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