I recreated your situation on my own system... but had no trouble...

cyradm -u cyrus localhost
Please enter your password: ********
IMAP Password: ********    (Why it asks for two passwords I don't
know... =] )
localhost> cm user1
user.chrispy    user.df    user1
localhost> sam user1 cyrus all
localhost> dm user1
localhost> lm
user.chrispy    user.df
localhost> exit

A suggestion would be to dump the mailboxes DB to a textfile, remove the
offending line, and then reconstruct the mailboxes DB.


su cyrus -c "/path/to/ctl_mboxlist -d >mbox.out"
vi mbox.out
>>>remove the line and write changes<<<
su cyrus -c "/path/to/ctl_mboxlist -u <mbox.out"
rm -Rf <$partition-default>/user1

Hope that helps... I'm not sure why your original attempts at setting
the ACL and removing the entry didn't work... hmmm...

-David Fuchs

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 12:57 PM
Subject: phantom mailbox

> i stupidly did the following:
> cyradm -user cyrus localhost
> localhost> cm user1
> rather than
> localhost> cm user.user1
> ls $partition-default:
> user1 stage. user
> cyrus is my administrative account.
> localhost> dm user1
> deletemailbox: Permission denied
> localhost> sam user1 cyrus all
> setaclmailbox: cyrus:lrswipcda: System I/O error
> i tried rm -rf $partition-default/user1, but the malbox still shows up
> when i
> localhost> lm
> i tried
> localhost> cm user.fakeuser
> # cp -R $partition-default/user/fakeuser $partition-default/ \
> mv $partition-default/fakeuser $partition-default/user1
> to recreate the mailbox at the file system level, but i still can't
> it.
> also,
> localhost> cm user1
> createmailbox: Mailbox already exists
> so what to do?
> i remember something like this on the list before, but when i searched
> archives, i only found reference to the reverse problem (that is,
> not reporting the mailbox, but the mailbox existing).
> also, where are the ACLs for mailboxes kept?
> when i:
> # cat user/someuser/cyrus.header
> Cyrus mailbox header
> "The best thing about this system was that it had lots of goals."
> --Jim Morris on Andrew
> <funny alphanumeric string that looks like hash>
> someuser lrswipcda
> as root can i just:
> # echo "anotheruser lrswipcda" >>
> to give anotheruser all rights to someuser's mailbox?
> thanks,
> somecyrusadmin

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