Quoting Craig Courtney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've got Cyrus (HIERSEP 2.0.15 Branch) up and running fine.  Although I 
> am running into a couple  problems both with Sieve.
> First, sieveshell will not allow PLAIN logins which forced me to turn on 
> sasl_auto_transition.  This is not documented anywhere and could cause 
> issues with my setup.

It most certainly does.  You must have something misconfigured.

> Second, timsieved will not allow elseif statements which are 
> specifically outlined in the RFC.  I actually pulled example scripts out 
> of the RFC and they generated parse errors when it hit the elseif 
> stating it expected a '{'.  No matter what clause I used in the elseif 
> statement it generated the same error.

The correct syntax is 'elsif', not 'elseif'.

> Third, when I reject a message via sieve the MDN is sent to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not to the sending party.  How do I get this to 
> work correctly?  It looks like something along the lines is adding 
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to the return path and the reject code is not 
> correctly picking the right return-path.  I am using postfix-20010228 
> release as my MTA on RedHat 7.2.

I'd find out what is changing/adding the return-path and why.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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