Oh, MAN. I knew I was overlooking something simple. 
Adding /etc/pam.d/sieve did the trick. Thank you!!!


On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 20:42, Lawrence Greenfield wrote:
>    From: julesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Date: 30 Jan 2002 15:57:53 -0800
>    Hi everyone,
>    Maybe I should be a little more specific about the exact symptoms of the
>    problem. Imapd 2.1.1 authenticates just fine using saslauthd, which is
>    set up to use pam, which connects to an LDAP server. 
>    As I understand it, imapd/pop3d will use the LOGIN mechanism, and
>    timsieved will use the PLAIN mechanism. Is that the only difference
>    between the way these servers authenticate users?
> . Is your LDAP server being contacted?
> . Is your PAM subsystem logging anything?
> I'd suspect that PAM isn't correctly configured to check LDAP for
> "sieve" authentication requests.
> Larry

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