I have successfully setup a auxprop/sasldb configuration, but I have
been unsuccessful in getting any authorization/authentication scheme
that is more complex working.
           My problems seem to come from a weak understanding of SASL. I
have searched the net, the archives, and while there are RFC's and
programming information I have not found anything that approximates a
users guide to using SASL.
    If I select a particular authentication module - say GSSAPI or NTLM,
where does it get any configuration information it might need, and how
do I figure out what options there are ? I have even looked through the
source for some of the modules and cursory looks are not revealing.
    Can someone point me to some kind of user  docs for libsasl 2.1.9 ?
       Something that would answer questions like:
            Do all methods depend on sasldb ?
                        What are the options for each module and how do
you set them ?
                        What is the difference between LOGIN and PLAIN ?
    In the short run I am looking to do as much of the
authorization/authentication against something(Kerberos, NTLM, LDAP, ?)
in a W2K domain, and have as little duplicate setup on the Linux system.
In the long run I hope to kill off all W2K servers and move those
services to Linux, but today I would settle for not having to create and
maintain a whole new database of user ID's and Passwords on the Linux

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