Okay, so we are using skiplist for our database now.  If we wanted to do
some simple searches on the database (we used to just grep for usernames
on the flat file version of mailboxes.db), we have to first convert the
database to a flat file.  Really, the best way to do it is by running
ctl_mboxlist and saving the output to a file.  But before I discovered
the command, I was trying to use cvt_cyrusdb to convert from skiplist to
flat file, which basically took forever (in fact, I never got it to really
finish, as I would Ctrl-C out of it before it was done).

The problem with cvt_cyrusdb is that it seems to take a record from the
skiplist database and writes it to a file to a new flat file database.
If we call the new database "flat.db", it would create a new file called
"flat.db.NEW" with that one line added to the end of it, then move it to
"flat.db" right after that.  This process would be done for every record
in the mailboxes.db file (ours is huge!).

Wouldn't it be better to to enhance the conversion program to simply open
the flat file database for append and just dump the contents of the old
db right to it?  It seems like the logic for writing to a flat file db is
prohibitively expensive.  Really, you want the conversion process from
any database format to flat file format to dumb itself down to be what
ctl_mboxlist does.  The reason ctl_mboxlist works so well is that it just
dumps the output to stdout and not to a file, so there are not .NEW files
or renames or anything like that.

Just a thought.
     Scott W. Adkins                http://www.cns.ohiou.edu/~sadkins/
  UNIX Systems Engineer                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
       ICQ 7626282                 Work (740)593-9478 Fax (740)593-1944
    PGP Public Key available at http://www.cns.ohiou.edu/~sadkins/pgp/

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