On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Patrick Goetz wrote:

> Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm relatively new to cyrus as an
> administrator and have made an effort to RTFM.
> I'm wondering if there is any way to automate administrative tasks in
> Cyrus?  I ask because I recently inherited the job of administering a
> debian Cyrus 2.1.15 system at the same time that the system crashed and
> the contents of /var/lib/cyrus were lost.  It was a major chore to
> recreate each top level mailbox and then run
>    reconstruct -r user.a_user
> for each individual user.  The O'Reilly Managing IMAP book talks about
> using `cyradm connect` with TCL scripts, but this seems not to be an
> option with the new Perl version of cyradm, and I have been unable to
> identify any replacement system.
> It seems has if automating Cyrus Administration tasks has simply dropped
> off the face of the planet; sort of like a taboo thing that no one dares
> talk about -- certainly I haven't been able to find anything.
> Even being able to do a
>   reconstruct -m
> would have been a big help, but the man page simple admonishes "NOTE:
> CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE" and leaves it at that.
> Am I missing something?  Is google no longer my friend?

It depends what you are trying to do...  It is pretty easy to call
reconstruct once for each user just by feeding a list of usernames to a
shell or perl script.

We do all of the "regular" administration tasks here using perl scripts
and the IMAP::Admin module.  Simple things like creating mailboxes,
deleting mailboxes, changing quotas, listing quotas, sending quota
warnings, listing folders, granting access, and so on.  I don't mind
sharing these tools if people are interested.


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