I am assuming by the lack of response that no-one really cares (at least at this point) about LDAP group based authorization.

I have determined that the way its currently setup (the ldap ptloader) won't do what I want, so I am in the process of rewriting it for my needs.

I am wondring if there is any documentation about the pts backend system?

I have managed to hack together something that works (sort of), but now I am noticing that when I try to assign group based ACL's in cyradmin that it passes the group name off to the pts backend. This screwes me up. I am not sure what I'm supposed to do with it.

Theres also a good chance other things will pop up as I go, so some docs would be good (or someone who understands how the pts backend works ...)

If anyone else is interested in this stuff, I may clean it up for general consumption ..


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