Dear All,

We have just started implementing a Cyrus mail system to replace a UW one.
Anyway, I've managed to make a silly mistake which we can resolve by
installing from scratch. However, I wonder if someone can explain how to
solve the problem properly as starting from scratch won't be possible
once it is all live.

I created a mailbox by typing (in cyradm)

    cm ccx004

instead of

    cm user.ccx004

How do I delete it. I tried dm ccx004 and that didn't work. I can't find
it on the file system anywhere. When I do lm ccx004 in cyradm it says
no such mailbox but when I do quota | grep ccx004 it shows the quota that
I set. I've tried doing a reconstruct -r and also a quota -f but neither
made any difference. I guess in my many and varied attempts to get rid of
it I deleted it from the file system so the easiest thing in this case is
to reinstall from scratch. However, my question is how should I deal with
such errors in a live system?

Best wishes.....
Colin Bruce

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