
On Wednesday 01 December 2004 11:57, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
> Marcus Schopen wrote:
> > I've seen that simular questions have been discussed here, but I'm not
> > sure if this problem is the same (sorry if yes and I just didn't get it):
> >
> > I'm runnung sendmail 8.12.3 with cyrusv2 local mailer (Debian woody
> > standard package) and cyrus 2.1.17 (backport from
> > http://people.debian.org/~hmh/). Today I had a heavy spam attack caused
> > by the fact, that sendmail accepts mails for non existing users. EMails
> > to unknown accounts on local domains (local-host-names) will be accepted
> > and than bounced. Is there a way to stop/reject these mails at "rcpt to:
> > user unknown"-point?
> Take a look at http://anfi.homeunix.net/sendmail/rtcyrus2.html
> <quote>
> how to make sendmail check in real time presence of cyrus mailbox using
> socket map map (or fstat map) and FEATURE(`mrs'). It supports cyrus virtual
> domains </quote>

Is there another way? There are no sendmail-8.13.x and Cyrus-2.2.x packages 
for Debian and I don't want to build all that stuff from source.



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