On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, Thor Vik wrote:

Hi, I am tearing my hair out over this one. When I run an imtest -m login localhost, I keep getting an L01 NO Login failed error and a generic failure. What could this mean? I have configured imapd.conf's sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd. I have saslauthd set to pam and when I run a saslauthdtest, it works fine. My syslog give me an error like this: badlogin: localhost.localdomain [] plaintext cyrus SASL(-1): generic failure: checkpass failed. In my auth.log, I get cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied. Any ideas would be met with appreciation.

saslauthd creates a Unix domain socket for clients (imapd) on connect to. The standard location is /var/state/saslauthd/mux, but it can be changed using the --with_saslauthd option to cyrus-sasl's configure script. This socket must be accessible by the user or group that imapd is running as.

The other possible problem is that saslauthd only supports simple LOGIN authentication. If the CAPABILITY response that you get from imtest includes: "AUTH=OTP AUTH=DIGEST-MD5 AUTH=CRAM-MD5", then you need to add the following to your imapd.conf file:

  sasl_mech_list: plain

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