Andrew Morgan wrote:

I upgraded my dev box from Cyrus 2.1.18 to 2.2.12. I have been using .sieve files in user home directories. After starting up 2.2.12, I get the following error message in the logs when I send mail to my account:

Oct 18 15:40:50 mail1 lmtp[18891]: IOERROR: not a sieve bytecode file /users/u1/m/morgan/.sieve

My .sieve file is the exact same one that I'm using in the production server running 2.1.16.

I understand that sieve files are compiled into bytecode now, but I didn't think that would affect .sieve files in homedirs.

Is it true that .sieve files in homedirs must be compiled into bytecode as well now?

Yes.  lmtpd in Cyrus 2.2+ only reads bytecode scripts.

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Carnegie Mellon University
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