On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1) I'm running the following script as a cronjob every night:
su - cyrus -c "/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/squatter -r user/*"

But, it creates cyrus.squat file only in subfolders of the users INBOX, i.e. /var/spool/imap/user/username/ doesn't include cyrus.squat but /var/spool/imap/user/username/Drafts/ does include cyrus.squat after running the above script.

Looking at the code, that will generate squat indexes for all mailboxes matching user/*/*, which will match user/dpc22/foo, but not user/dpc22.

I suggest that you try: "/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/squatter -r user" or just

2) When I create Hebrew named folders via OE or web client, it's look like this in the FS : &BdcF0wXpBdUF6g- but if I want to cd to this folder I get an error:
# cd &BdcF0wXpBdUF6g-
[1] 14268
-bash: BdcF0wXpBdUF6g-: command not found
[1]+  Done                    cd

That's two commands: cd run as a background task without any arguments, followed by "BdcF0wXpBdUF6g-", which isn't a valid command on your system.

You need to quote the & character. Something like:
  cd "&BdcF0wXpBdUF6g-" or
  cd \&BdcF0wXpBdUF6g-

David Carter                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University Computing Service,            Phone: (01223) 334502
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,       Fax:   (01223) 334679
Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.
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