On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Khalid Mehmood wrote:

Can someone tell me how to setup more then one replica hosts in imapd.conf.

If we are talking about mailbox rolling replication here then I'm afraid that this isn't possible at the moment. It wouldn't be hard to add this. The issue is that imapd, pop3d and lmtpd all log to a single file which is picked up by the replication engine. You would need to create multiple log files (one for each replication engine), or find some other way of piping the log data to lots of different processes.

The imapd.conf manual says: "The "replicated" config is one in which multiple backend servers all share the same mailspool, but each have their own "replicated" copy of mailboxes.db."

That reference is to replicated Murder configurations which is something else altogether.

David Carter                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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