On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 07:56:57PM +0200, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> -- Andrew Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is rumored to have mumbled on 27. März 
> 2006 09:48:37 -0800 regarding Re: Bitten by Berkeley:
> >>just an anecdote:
> >>
> >>Today we had to relocate our Cyrus 2.2.12 server to the other node in
> >>the  failover domain for maintenance purposes. It was shut down cleanly
> >>and then  restarted on the other node. The startup began with lots of
> >>messages like  this one:
> >
> ><snip>
> >
> >Were you using Berkeley DB 4.3 or newer?  Cyrus v2.2.12 and older will
> >not work with Berkeley DB 4.3+ without a patch.
> I know. We were using Red Hat's stock db4 RPM: db4-4.1.25-8.1. As I 
> mentioned it's been working OK for more than a year, but having read all 
> the other reports of people experiencing problems like the one I described 
> I guess it's just a matter of time until something breaks ...

Considering the many other projects using berkeley db successfully (we
have an internal svn repository with over 60Gb of data in a berkeley
4.2.52 database), this may be a problem with:
- the way cyrus uses the database

Of course, it could be also a bug in berkeley triggered by the way cyrus
uses it or any other combination of these factors.

Regarding BDB versions, 4.2.52 seems to be the best DB4 version
available, with perhaps 4.4.x being as good as (only time will tell).

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