Patrick Radtke wrote:

On May 25, 2006, at 6:00 AM, Robert Mueller wrote:

1. There's no regression testing with cyrus at all. I did try and start a cyrus regression test a while back (just a perl script to test basic IMAP functionality) but there wasn't really interest in taking it up. I still strongly believe that some form of basic regression test that is built up more and more over time is is important.

I'm interested in a nice regression suite.
I've been doing some OpenLDAP stuff recently and they have (what seems like) 2 hours worth of tests that occur once you build the software. For a long time, I've been meaning to look at how they do it and see if a similar approach could be used with Cyrus IMAPd, but other projects always take a priority.

The nice thing about regression testing is that we can start small. If there was some agreed upon methodology then when anyone (e.g. Ken, someone submitting a patch, someone reporting a bug, etc) can create a tests to show how a bug gets triggered or that new code/patch doesn't introduce bugs.

I agree that a test suite is something that we need. I'll add this to our TODO list. As always, code contributions are always welcome.

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University
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