On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Philippe Trolliet wrote:

you are my hero. ;) thank you. finally i´m able to test it on thursday.

but it seems that cyrus knows in some way which quota the specific user
has. is it possible that cyrus communicates with postfix and asks
postfix about the quota of the recipient?
i´ve set autocreatequota to 40 MB and in postfix i´ve set the quota for
the test-account to 10MB. i send some mail with big attachments to this
test account. the mailbox of the user has a size of something over 10MB
now and doesn´t accept any mail. the messages aren´t delivered and
deferred now. so i think there is a way cyrus talks to postfix about
per-user quotas.

I don't know what setting a quota in postfix does... You can view the quota in Cyrus by running cyradm and executing the command "lq user.<username>".

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