On 17.07.2007, at 17:30, Jeffrey McDonald wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use sieve to setup a vacation message.   The important
> parameters for delivery (from what I've gathered from a search of the
> archive) are:
> I don't see any errors in the log files and I see no message ever
> recieved by the  postfix daemon from the sieve filter.   The
> /usr/lib/sendmail executable is setup to sendmail.postfix and this
> executable sends mail properly if executed outside of sieve.

Have you configured your sendmail path in imapd.conf? As sieve keeps
track of any vacation messages, try to delete the duplicate database
before testing so that it will start from a clean system (this
database contains the vacation state, too).

Hope that helps,

Baltasar Cevc

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